Sisters, I was absolutely horrified the other day to overhear some of the young men talking about going to see 'the bare naked ladies'. They were discussing it quite openly right in the hallway at church and one of their leaders was with them but didn't say a thing! I almost fainted.
As the young women’s President I will be ensuring that there are absolutely no more joint activities with these young men until the bishop has met with them and assured me that they have confessed and repented.
Naked women should never be on the minds of our young priesthood holders who administer the sacrament each week and are preparing for missions. It is utterly deplorable to think of these young men going to see a show featuring ladies who are not just dressed inappropriately but who are completely bare. What possible redeeming qualities could such a show have? President Paternoster has assured me that in his day the youth of the church never entertained such thoughts nor was such entertainment even available. The last days are truly upon us Sisters and we cannot stand by (like that young mens leader) and allow Satan to win the souls of our young men.
I do this post as a warning. Please keep your ears open to the conversations of the young men that you too may help them avoid the snares that are so prevalent in these the latter days.