I apologize for not having posted in such a long time - the weather in Ireland can be so depressing at times and since his call to the position of stake president I rarely see my husband these days. In case you haven’t seen it I will copy below the article that Sean Macdonnel of The Lissacreasig Times wrote in last week’s paper:
In a surprise move 14 year old Jenny Blarney has converted to Mormonism leaving behind the Presbyterian faith in which she was being raised.
In an exclusive interview with the Lissacreasig Times Blarney said she was shocked that Presbyterianism still even exists as a religion. When asked for clarification Blarney stated that “Presbyterians claim to follow and accept the scriptures but the evidence shows that this is complete rubbish.”
Blarney explained that she had taken an interest in Mormonism after finding out that American Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was a member of the faith. A few weeks ago Blarney obtained a copy of the Mormon scriptures and was reading through them when she came upon the scripture that would change her life forever. “Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of woman than this did at this time to mine”, explained Blarney, “It seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of my heart”.
When prompted Blarney opened her scriptures and read the following passage as recorded by the prophet Joseph Smith “I have learned for myself that Presbyterianism is not true.” (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/js-h/1.20?lang=eng#19)
When presented with the above passage John Mcwilliams, pastor of the local Baptist congregation, agreed with Blarney that “it is incredible that the Presbyterian religion has survived all these years when the scriptures are so crystal clear in condemning them.”
Blarney expressed great disappointment at ‘wasting 14 years of her life in a false religion’ and is no longer on talking terms with her distraught parents. At the time of this publication Blarney will have already arrived in the American state of Texas where she will become one of the many plural wives of 57 year old prison inmate Warren Jeffs, President of The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and successor to Joseph Smith.
Ireland’s leading Mormon, President William Lilburn Godfrey Paternoster was reportedly too upset to comment.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is not sanctioned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, because Sister Paternoster is a woman, and shouldn't be blogging. However, if she were a man, and therefore worthy of respect, this blog would totally be sanctioned by the church.
Caveat Utilitor
I have to agree with Anonymous Gideon. Women shouldn't blog. No one should be subjected to the opinions of a "non-priesthood holder." I am not just speaking from my uninformed opinion as a woman, my Melchizedek Priesthood holding husband told me that. I wouldn't even know about this blog if he didn't let me read it and told me what to think of it. He did want me to make this comment though so everyone could see that he is NOT controlling me. I have the choice to believe what he says and agree with it, as he believes in and agrees with God!